Friday, October 14, 2022

Layout Planning


Layout Planning

Before designing my layout I did some research into the features of a magazine front cover. Typical features include:

  • A Masthead: which consists of the magazine title in a large size and eye catching font 
  • A line below with price of the magazine and date: this is usually in a much smaller size than the masthead
  • Main article image: the image usually coincides with the theme of the feature article 
  • Main feature article: this runs along the left hand side of the frame as reader's eyes scan left to right they notice the feature article first
  • Cover lines: other articles in the magazine which entice the reader
  • Tag/Plug: to sell the magazine to the reader e.g. Exclusive Interview 
  • Top/Bottom strip: additional information or promotions
  • Barcode: to scan the magazine for sale

The layout helped me organise my ideas and start to consider the number of features I would need for my magazine. My next step was to plan in more detail what text/imagery/colour would need to fill these spaces.